May 18, 2024

Top 23 Apple TV+ Shows: A Must-Watch Compilation

3 min read
Los 23 Mejores Espectáculos en Apple TV+ Justo ahora se indicaron/h1⁄4⁄4 de confianza Apple TV+ ha surgido rápidamente como un jugador importante en la industria de streaming, ofreciendo una amplia gama de espectáculos originales que han cautivado...

The 23 Best Shows on Apple TV+ Right Now

Apple TV+ has quickly emerged as a major player in the streaming industry, offering a diverse range of original shows that have captivated audiences worldwide. From gripping dramas to hilarious comedies, Apple TV+ has something for everyone. Here are the 23 best shows currently available on the platform:

  1. 1. Ted Lasso: This heartwarming comedy follows an American football coach who moves to England to coach a soccer team, offering a delightful mix of humor and humanity.
  2. 2. The Morning Show: Starring Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon, and Steve Carell, this gripping drama explores the cutthroat world of morning news television.
  3. 3. For All Mankind: Set in an alternate history where the Soviet Union reached the moon before the United States, this captivating series imagines the consequences of such a scenario.
  4. 4. Servant: A psychological thriller from acclaimed director M. Night Shyamalan, this show follows a grieving couple who hire a mysterious nanny to take care of their baby.
  5. 5. Mythic Quest: This hilarious workplace comedy takes place in a video game development studio and offers a unique and entertaining look at the gaming industry.
  6. 6. Dickinson: A coming-of-age story inspired by the life and works of Emily Dickinson, this show blends period drama with contemporary sensibilities.
  7. 7. See: Set in a post-apocalyptic world where everyone is blind, this epic drama follows a tribe as they navigate a dangerous and uncertain future.
  8. 8. Little America: Based on true stories, this anthology series explores the lives of immigrants in America, showcasing their struggles, dreams, and triumphs.
  9. 9. Central Park: A charming animated musical comedy about a family who lives in and takes care of Central Park, this show is perfect for all ages.
  10. 10. Truth Be Told: This gripping crime drama stars Octavia Spencer as a true crime podcaster who reopens a murder case which she is convinced may have led to a wrongful conviction.
  11. 11. Defending Jacob: Starring Chris Evans, this thrilling miniseries follows a lawyer whose teenage son is accused of murder, leading him to question everything he thought he knew.
  12. 12. The Mosquito Coast: Based on the novel by Paul Theroux, this edge-of-your-seat adventure follows a family on the run from the government as they escape to Latin America.
  13. 13. Calls: A groundbreaking series that tells its story through audio recordings of phone conversations, offering a chilling and suspenseful experience.
  14. 14. Physical: Set in the 1980s, this dark comedy follows a woman who discovers her passion for aerobics while struggling with personal demons.
  15. 15. Invasion: An upcoming science fiction series that explores the threat of an alien invasion and how it affects people across the globe.
  16. 16. Lisey’s Story: Based on the novel by Stephen King, this psychological horror series follows a widow as she uncovers her late husband’s dark secrets.
  17. 17. Mr. Corman: Starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, this introspective comedy-drama delves into the life of a middle school teacher facing a personal and professional crisis.
  18. 18. Swagger: Inspired by the early life of basketball star Kevin Durant, this coming-of-age drama follows a young basketball player navigating the competitive world of youth basketball.
  19. 19. The Shrink Next Door: A highly anticipated upcoming series starring Will Ferrell and Paul Rudd, based on the true story of a psychiatrist who manipulates his patient’s life.
  20. 20. The Year Earth Changed: A spectacular documentary that highlights the positive environmental changes that took place during the COVID-19 lockdown.
  21. 21. Schmigadoon! A comedic musical that follows a couple who stumble upon a magical town where everyone acts like they’re in a 1940s musical.
  22. 22. The Velvet Underground: An exhilarating documentary that delves into the rise and influence of the iconic band, exploring their artistic vision and cultural impact.
  23. 23. Foundation: Based on Isaac Asimov’s renowned science fiction novels, this epic series follows a mathematician who predicts the fall of a vast galactic empire.

With this impressive lineup of shows, Apple TV+ continues to make its mark in the streaming landscape, providing viewers with exceptional storytelling and high-quality content. Whether you’re in the mood for laughter, suspense, or thought-provoking dramas, Apple TV+ has something to offer everyone. Happy streaming!

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