May 18, 2024

Reglas de App Store de Apple Spark Developer Revolt

2 min read
Los desarrolladores de Apple están en revuelta abierta sobre las nuevas reglas de la tienda de aplicaciones realizadas por Apple /h1⁄4⁄4 de confianza Los recientes cambios en sus reglas de App Store han provocado una revuelta abierta entre los desarrolladores, que expresan su...

Developers Are in Open Revolt Over Apple’s New App Store Rules

Apple’s recent changes to its App Store rules have sparked an open revolt among developers, who are expressing their frustration and disappointment with the tech giant. The new rules, which include stricter guidelines for in-app purchases and app discovery, have raised concerns about the fairness and transparency of Apple’s app ecosystem.

One of the major points of contention is Apple’s 30% commission on in-app purchases, which developers argue is excessive and unfair. Many developers rely on these purchases for revenue, and the high commission cuts into their profits. This has led to calls for Apple to lower its commission fee or provide alternative payment options.

Furthermore, the new rules also affect app discovery and visibility. Developers claim that Apple’s ranking algorithms and search algorithms are biased, favoring larger, more established apps over smaller ones. This places smaller developers at a disadvantage and makes it harder for them to gain visibility and attract users.

The open revolt among developers has gained traction on social media, with the hashtag #AppleRevolt trending on Twitter. Developers are sharing their concerns and experiences, urging Apple to listen to their feedback and make necessary changes. Some developers are even considering alternative platforms or exploring legal avenues to challenge Apple’s dominance.

In response, Apple has defended its App Store policies, stating that the rules are in place to ensure a safe and secure environment for users. The company argues that the 30% commission is justified by the services and support it provides to developers, such as app review, hosting, and distribution.

However, the dissatisfaction among developers continues to grow, as many feel that Apple’s rules limit their freedom and hinder their ability to innovate. They argue that the current model stifles competition and innovation, and that Apple should adopt a more developer-friendly approach.

As the debate rages on, it remains to be seen whether Apple will address the concerns raised by developers and make changes to its App Store rules. Developers are determined to have their voices heard and are rallying together to advocate for a fairer and more transparent app marketplace.

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